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Executive Officer
Community Members
Sales Representative
Happy Businessman
Business Owner in Workshop
Senior Businesswoman
Portrait with Glasses
Working Woman

Minority businesses have a home at the
Economic Continuity Alliance.

Find support here along your
entrepreneurial journey.


What we do for our members:

Train, Build, Support, Advocate
Foster Buyer/Supplier Engagement
Create Economic Opportunities

Join us as we promote economic equity and continuity!

Doing Business in our Region

It's a great day in the Lowcountry!  Our economy is growing stronger every day.  As present industries continue to grow and new industries move to the area, ECA can help you stake your claim.


The Lowcountry is one of the fastest growing areas in South Carolina. ECA is your ally in keeping up with every opportunity your business should pursue.  Membership with ECA has so many advantages!   Growth, productivity and sustainability for your business is our priority.  We assist locally and understand your business may need assistance with a national and international presence. 

How ECA Supports Minority Businesses
A couple at a business meeting

ECA addresses the myriad of business issues that prevent inclusion but also those business issues that have the greatest impact on the growth and success of local communities.  Every solution and resource that can be brought to the table will be identified and utilized to support ECA's goals and objectives in helping minority businesses.


ECA has built a strong support infrastructure, created connections, cultivated relationships, and continues to build regional and national inclusion capacity to ensure minority businesses have greater access to business opportunities. 

Our MBEs, DBEs, & Minority Suppliers
Construction Managers

From start-ups to multimillion dollar small businesses, ECA serves them all.  We prepare businesses to compete regionally and beyond.  Each one of our suppliers receives the best in business development, mentorship and leadership training.  We make sure that suppliers are equipped and ready with every certification, tool and training necessary to fully participate in matchmaking opportunities. 


Not only great matchmaking with buyers happens when you you are a member of ECA. Member to member collaborations and joint ventures define true teaming efforts we encourage and put together. 

Networking Event
Why Organizations Choose ECA

ECA provides access to vetted and certified minority suppliers who are ready to respond to all requests. We constantly and consistently expand our databases with new suppliers and provide training and programs to prepare them for engagement with buying organizations.


ECA is dedicated to economic empowerment for minority and veteran owned businesses and serves as a qualified and experienced liaison between suppliers and buying organizations. We offer corporations our expertise to execute effective supplier diversity programs. 


We create opportunities via public or private events, training etc. for optimum match-making.  ECA is growing our list of buying organizations and we welcome yours to the table.


Business Presentation
Economic Development

Distribution, diversity and sustainability are elements found in good economic development planning.  ECA strives to become a major influencer in best practices for economic development by personifying our mission and partnering with organizations who align with our vision. 

Improving infrastructure, affordable housing, education, health, business development, and employment are a few ways to elevate the quality of lives for everyone in a community.  Key indicators in communities such as high school graduation rates, home ownership, poverty, literacy and business opportunities are what we are watching to develop solutions along with our partners.

Business & Community Programs
Office Meeting

ECA structures programs in communities based on the greatest needs that promote economic stability and well-being.  We work with community leaders and partners to establish unique, vibrant programs that are relevant and timely.  

Consulting with towns, cities, counties, and organizations to create and implement services, resources, and support through programing is what we are passionate about.  We are people builders and are ready to set foundations in communities that produce positive outcomes.

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